A travel blog for the wanderers.
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San Diego, California, USA
32.7157° N, 117.1611° W
5:52 PM
I'm Elmira, a dentist in San Diego and your curated guide to La Dolce Vita in travel. Born from a rich tapestry of travel journals, this platform goes beyond typical tourist recommendations to offer a map to soulful, transformative experiences.
We dig deeper than most, guiding you to the authentic heart of each destination. Join us in this quest to make every journey not just a place to go, but a moment to remember and cherish.
Discovering that one cozy café with intoxicating aromas, that local authentic restaurant that saturates my palate with ethereal local flavors, the one lively street that captures the local scene, a peaceful corner to take it all in, or maybe just a small window overlooking breathtaking and unforgettable views that will be engraved in my mind forever…
"How beautiful it is
to do nothing,
and then to rest afterward."
-Pablo Picasso.
For me, the joy of travel is to feel the essence of each journey and live la dolce vita, even if it is just for a few short moments.
This site is born as a result of the numerous journals I created for my many travels around the world. In each journal I singled out places where I experienced the magic of that destination and discovered the true meaning of dolce far niente… the sweetness of doing nothing…
My recommendations here are not about introducing cliché tourist destinations. It is a careful collection of my most memorable moments that I've always wanted to share with my family and friends- and now with the world- hoping that everyone else gets to experience the magic I felt while being there.
Let’s savor Dolce Far Niente together!